Post Operative Care: Dentures
- New dentures will be uncomfortable and maybe somewhat painful for a few weeks.
- Sore spots with new dentures are extremely common and therefore, you may need to visit the office several times for denture adjustments.
- You will notice that speaking will be difficult with new dentures. You’re welcome to read books aloud or anything else of your choice to practice your speech with the new dentures.
- Despite the discomfort with the new dentures, you are advised to wear your new dentures as much as possible to get used to them. If you feel you cannot eat with them right away, it’s normal. Please start with a soft diet initially, and then work your way to a more normal diet as you get more and more comfortable with your new dentures.
- Please take your dentures out every night and place them in a container with water and a denture cleansing solution. It’s extremely important to not wear your dentures day and night because your gums and jaw muscles need some rest time.
- Use your toothbrush and toothpaste to clean your dentures twice daily.
- Please call the office if you have any other concerns.